Sunday, May 15, 2005

Creating a Monster

I've been seriously bummed out all weekend because I couldn't go to Missouri for Cory's brother's wedding. Let's face it... since I'm an only child, it's pretty much the closest I'll ever get to having a sibling get married.

Last night at work, I was so depressed about not being at Casey and Nicole's wedding, my New Orleans roomie, Liz offered to take me out to dinner. So, while she was waiting for me to get my act together after the 6pm newscast, she was looking at wedding cakes on the computer. Liz is getting married in October and is in the serious stage of wedding planning (unlike me, who is "just browsing"). Let me tell you, there are some pretty ugly-ass cakes out there. In fact, I'd venture to say that there are even more ugly cakes out there than there are ugly dresses... and there's a lot of damned ugly dresses.

We ended up spending about half an hour of our dinner break cruising the wedding websites, looking at cakes and dresses. She showed me the dress that she's wearing... and it's gorgeous... though she says I didn't ooh and aah nearly enough when I saw the picture.

I think everyone else in the newsroom thought we were a little crazy. We were getting way too excited about looking at pictures of cakes. To be honest, I'd rather be taste-testing cakes... but the pictures will have to do for now.

If I can find some of the uglier cakes online again, I'll be sure to leave a link later on. Right now, I'm running late for work.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Dressy Dilemma

I feel the need to preface this post by saying that I know we haven't even set a date yet... so I really shouldn't be worrying about this.

Ok, so here's the dilemma. I was killing time tonight, waiting for Cory to get home from the Braves game, and I started perusing the wedding dresses on EBay. So I found one that I really, really, really like. Thus the dilemma.

The wedding is, at best, probably two years down the road. And yet, I'm wondering whether or not to buy a gown over the internet. See, here's the thing. The dress is (currently) less than $50. And it's exactly what I've been thinking about. I'm not attaching a link, because the groom reads this blog, and I'm supersitious.

So, is it worth it to buy a $50 wedding dress... despite the fact that it might not even fit or flatter me? Keep in mind, everyone has to have their wedding dress altered... so "fit" isn't nearly as much of an issue as "flatter." If it looks ugly in person, or if I find something I like more at a later date, I could probably re-sell it for about the same price. And if it looks nice, then hell's bells, I got a wedding dress on the cheap.

On the other hand, 50 bucks is 50 bucks, right?

Please, throw in your two cents.