Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The First Snag (of many to come...)

I knew eventually we'd have to hit some kind of a snag. A little over six weeks to go until the wedding, and we've hit the first one. It comes in the form of bridesmaids dresses.

I found the dresses I wanted way back in October, but I've held off on ordering the dresses for a long time. First it was because I'm lazy. Then it was because Nikki was pregnant... and we wanted to wait and see how big she would get. Then it was because we weren't sure she'd be able to be in the wedding at all. Then, once again, it was because I'm lazy

At some point in that time, they stopped making the dress. Not a big deal, the place I was planning to order from had many still in stock. But now they're running out of sizes. And they've run out of one of the sizes I'm pretty sure I need.

There is a silver lining, however. For the last few weeks, I've really been second-guessing the style I picked. And the other style I've been considering has plenty of sizes in stock. So maybe I should look at this as fate. Or destiny. Or divine intervention... take your pick.

I was talking with my hairstylist today about the wedding, and she told me something that really made a lot of sense. Only Cory and I really know what the wedding is supposed to be like. If we hit a snag here or there (say, we can't get the flowers that we had our hearts set on-- or the caterers bring the wrong side dish), who's going to know? Nobody but the two of us, that's who. So unless things go horribly wrong (like the caterers don't bring any food at all, or there's another wedding booked at our site), who cares?

At least, that's my attitude right now. We'll see if I feel that way in (eek!) 46 days.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Hair Comes the Bride

I've spent a lot of time worrying about what I'm going to do with my hair for the wedding. So seeing this video isn't helping me at all.

That can't be for real, right?


Wow. I haven't posted anything onto this site since October? Really??

A lot has happened since then.

First of all, we found a priest for the wedding. Sort of. He used to be a priest. And you're going to laugh when you hear this... we found him at Rent-A-Priest. Seriously. We met with him last week, and Cory and I both really liked him.

Second, the riverboat got its liquor license! Hooray! Unfortunately, the beverage options are pretty minimal. There's not enough room behind the "bar" for a keg, so it'll have to be canned beer. We're still working on getting decent wine for the cruise. We'll see what happens there.

The third, and perhaps most stressful thing that happened was the loss of a bridesmaid. Nicole (sometimes affectionately referred to as "Crackhouse Nicki") is pregnant. And due about two weeks before our wedding. Yikes. When she told me she was pregnant, months ago, I had a sneaking suspicion that things could get a little hairy with the wedding. In December, she called me in tears, trying to decide what to do-- should she pull out of the wedding-- and possible have me hate her forever? Or should she stay in the wedding, knowing that there stood a decent chance of her not being able to come if there were any complications?

Last weekend, we finally decided that she would graciously withdraw from her bridesmaid-ly duties. I think she was afraid I'd be mad at her, but I'm not (you hear that, Nicki? I'm not mad!). As it stands, she's still going to try to make it down here for the wedding. If she can be here, we'll find a place for her. I've already warned her that I might make her a flowergirl!

Here's the tricky part. What do you do when a bridesmaid drops out? Do you go with an uneven number of attendants? Or do you ask someone else, knowing full well that they could be offended by being "second choice."

The decision for us was a fairly easy one. We decided to ask Cory's sister-in-law, Nicole, to step in. And no, not just because she has the same name as the previous bridesmaid. Nicole's husband is the best man, and she's a lot of fun to have around. We don't know each other all that well, but I'm hoping the wedding will give us a chance to get to know each other a little better. Plus, I think she'll look really good in cornflower blue.