Last week, I got an email from an old friend with good news... our pal Amberly is getting married!
Of course, I immediately emailed her with congratulations-- and a word of warning: Don't turn into a Bridezilla.
She swears up and down that she won't, and if nothing else, time is on her side. They just got engaged, and the wedding's in two months.
See, it's all a matter of logistics. One of them wants better health insurance, the other has a great health plan through work. One wants to take college classes, the other works for a company that covers education for employees and their spouses.
I can't say that I haven't thought about doing the same thing. Cory and I have both been job-hunting, and I'm in the process of contract re-negotiation at work. There's a good chance that in the future, one of us could be without a job and thus without insurance. What to do when the Cobra runs out? What else? Get married.
Of course, that's not
how or
why I want to get married. And I've decided that if we have to do it that way, I'm not telling you. In fact, I'm not telling anyone except our benefits administrator. And we'll go on with our normal lives,
pretending to be living in sin, while we're actually married. That way, we can have our health insurance and still have our big sham of a wedding later and invite you all.
By the way, I haven't run this plan past Cory yet. I figure, why worry him about it now?