Thursday, March 22, 2007

A waste of postage

I'll admit-- I haven't always been the most concientious person when it comes to sending response cards for a wedding. Oh, I always respond if I'm going. But if I'm not going, well... you're probably not ever going to see that card again. And forget about the stamp. I'm using it for something else.

Now I've now discovered how nice it is to get those "we're not coming" notes.

To date, we've received 18 response cards back. That's out of 90 invitations. And I'm no math whiz... but that sounds like 20%. And tomorrow is the "please respond by" date.

Now, we have received two phone calls-- one a "yes" and one a "no." And I got an email from another friend who says she's booked her flight, so I'm assuming she'll be here. So 21 out of 90. That's 23 percent.

Even worse, most of the people who have responded are people we already knew were coming-- like our parents, for example.

My dream? That I open our mailbox tomorrow and it's positively overflowing with response cards. The reality? We're averaging a little less than three responses a day, and I'm guessing that's just about the number that will arrive tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm coming! Who is this girl who e-mailed you about her air ticket? She sounds amazing :-)

11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh "anonymous" is me, Melina.

11:08 PM  
Blogger Your PR Pal said...

Why do I find it so funny when you say "air ticket?" You're such a Eurotrash-wannabe.
Of course it's you, silly. And will you be dragging a tall, dark, and handsome fella with you?

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My South American soul longs to be Eurotrash, okay?

10:59 PM  

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