Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Sportslady's Transformation

It's been one month, six days, twenty-three hours, and fifty minutes since Cory proposed to me. In that time, I've undergone a transformation...

from mild-mannered single woman...
...to neurotic future bride.

Ok, maybe I was never that mild-mannered. But there has been a definite transformation. Suddenly, I'm obsessed with all things bridal. I constantly bend Cory's ear with inane questions like "If the bridesmaids wear cobalt blue dresses, what color shoes should they wear?"

For the record, the wedding date hasn't even been set yet. We're tossing around the idea of "in about two years," but that's as specific as we've gotten.

I'm attempting to compartmentalize my recent wedding-related obsession. I bought a nice flowery box to store my growing collection of bridal magazines (out of sight, out of mind). And now, I've started this separate blog, so that my normal blog readers won't be subjected to my delusions.

And now, an apology. To all of my married (and divorced) friends: Remember all those times you told me about your wedding plans, and my eyes glazed over with disinterest? I'm sorry. Really, really, really sorry. And any advice you want to give me now, I'm more than willing to take.



Blogger @CoryODonnell said...

Well, well, well...

The obsession now has a home page.

Love the look...Looks eeriely similar to Truman's campus.

As Sandy Bean would say, "Good times. Neat."

As for the shoes question, I'll probably get chastised for this. Please forgive me pre-emptively.
I'm going white for a summer wedding, blue for fall and spring.

3:25 PM  
Blogger Your PR Pal said...

White shoes?
Not unless the bridesmaids are rushing off to their jobs as emergency room nurses right after the reception.

2:01 AM  

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